Cod and Haddock Hot Spots Off of MA & NH for your GPS/Chartplotter
Custom Points Fishing Charters
After creating a system for myself (years ago, before chart plotters were common), my clients started asking if I could load my waypoints (Hot Spots) into their GPS/Chartplotters. And “Custom Points” was born! Now I can load your GPS/Chartplotter with over 200 Waypoints in each of two different areas;
- Region 1; Jeffery’s Ledge, Old Scantum and Inshore humps stretching from Cape Ann to Portland Maine.
- Region 2; Stellwagon, Tillie’s and inshore covering from Cape Ann south too Cape Cod.
You will also receive a Chart kit, with all the named Waypoints (color coded for species and wrecks) marked on it. Also including in the binder is information on rigging, tackle and fishing tips. You will be put on an E-Mail list (for a year), where you will receive on going current info about the fishing offshore, much of it matched to your Waypoints. If you make the Mistake of erasing all your Waypoints in your
GPS, you can get one free down load (within a year). If you have a non-portable unit (mounted in your boat), arrangements can be made, most often using Data Cards.
I charge $125. a region that includes the loading and the chart kit. If you have both regions loaded at the same time they are discounted to $200. For more information email Allan Butler
I have fished with Allan on a number of occasions now. He knows fishing. Whether it be instructions for tying a new knot, differences in the various line types, how to locate fish, effective strategies to target fish or providing info on the latest and greatest technological gadgets, Allan is always willing to share his knowledge. I have never been out with him when he did not put me on fish. It seems I learn something new every time I get the opportunity to fish with him. I look forward to my next chance. He provides a quality service. -CS